Friday 23 September 2011

Tips and Solutions for Working Out With Asthma

Exercise is an important part of everyone's life, and it is especially important for people with asthma to exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet because being overweight can worsen asthma symptoms. It may be difficult for some people with asthma to get regular exercise without aggravating their asthma symptoms. The solution is for individuals with asthma to figure out what exercise program works best for them and to learn how to manage asthma symptoms if or when they do arise during exercise.

Generally, sports and workouts involving short bursts of activity, such as gymnastics, weight training, softball or baseball, wrestling, diving and volleyball, are well tolerated by people with asthma. Swimming is also generally a good form of exercise for those with asthma because the environment is warm and humid. Activities that have been reported to help people with asthma breathe better, such as yoga and tai chi, are usually not a problem for an asthmatic person. 

Sports and workouts that involve extended periods of activity or take place in cold environments, such as hockey, snow skiing, ice skating, running, jogging, basketball, soccer or lacrosse, may not be well tolerated well by someone with asthma, although many people with asthma can still participate in those activities with few or no problems and some believe that more intense cardiovascular exercises such as running or playing soccer can help an asthmatic person's lungs to function more efficiently and allow for easier breathing.

It is important for anyone with asthma to take certain precautions both before and during exercise. Using an inhaler prior to working out can help diminish any asthma symptoms that may appear during exercise. If you suffer from asthma, you should learn how to breathe correctly while exercising and should take the time to stretch before exercising. Some asthma sufferers find that stretching their upper body, particularly their chest/pecs is helpful in allowing them to breathe more easily while exercising. If it is cold outside, those who suffer from asthma should consider exercising indoors rather than outside or covering their mouth and nose during exercise. 

If someone with asthma has a viral infection, such as a cold, he or she should consider restricting exercise until his or her heath improves. After exercising, a cool down period is necessary. Sometimes, asthma symptoms will arise during a workout. If that happens, it is important for the asthma sufferer to remain calm and use his or her inhaler. If the symptoms disappear completely, the person may return to exercise if he or she feels able to. If the symptoms do not go away, the person should use his or her inhaler a second time and call his or her doctor. In some cases, it may be necessary to call 911 or go to the emergency room.

Everyone should consult his or her physician prior to beginning any exercise regimen, either on your own or with a personal trainer. If someone with asthma follows these recommendations, he or she should be able to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle with minimal problems due to asthma.

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